2395972840 Ball . Watches marked "BALL & Co." are much more difficult to find than those marked "BALL WATCH Co." Ball watches are today some of the most collectible of the American railroad pocket watches. The white porcelain dial has minor hairlines. Equivalent to Hamilton Grade 942. Working Order: Runs Great, Like new condition. SPONSORED ADVERTISEMENTS . Questions, Answers and News You Can Use Information about IHC185 history and eventsLatest Post: May 03, 2013 05:55. E. Please contact us if you have any questions about the repair of your vintage Ball watch.
This is a Really Rare One! The watch is from the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. Type 4: As Type 3 with Ball Patent Hairspring Stud. It has a GORGEOUS single sunk porcelain dial with the BRT in 3 colors brown, green, and red. (Tim Poovey)November 18, 2016 11:25Larry Buchan's ."Tales from the Rails" Larry is a retired Locomotive Engineer with a gift for story telling 1122175Re: CANADIAN Private-Label Watches (Larry Buchan)July 28, 2016 14:39. Nashua Watch Co. ACKNOWLEGEMENTS I wish to thank all the participants of the NAWCCMessage Boardfor their assistance and participation in the numerous discussions that we have had on these subjects and their geneous contribution of time and effort including but not limited to. The Ball Watch Company did not manufacture watches directly, but the company helped develop the specifications for watches used in railroad service. Flint E.N. All of these 17have the same Ball17 or 21Jeweldamasceening as seen on their ORRS counterparts.(figs3 A & B) These figures are not Brotherhoods but illustrate the damascening pattern on the ORRS watches is the same as found on the non factory designatedBrotherhoods. Stevens Watch Co.
Kaffayi replied
428 weeks ago